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Morocco Demonstrates Its Tourism Potential At UNWTO General Assembly In Madrid

The 24th edition of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, which was initially to be held in Marrakech, was held between November...

National Tourism Saves The December Long Weekend With 85% Of Reservations

The tourism sector receives this year a large majority of national visitors. The movement within our borders will contribute up to 85% of the...

I Was Hooked On Their Effect And The First Week After Leaving Them Was Terrible

Recent years have seen a clear increase in awareness of mental illnesses, especially among the younger generations, which has implied significant increases in the...

CEOs have sold 69 billion in shares of their own companies

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have sold nearly $ 20 billion worth of shares in their companies this year. However, these CEOs have not...

Goodman Offers An Investment Of 550 Million For Nissan Barcelona

The Australian real estate agency Goodman has presented to the Nissan Reindustrialization Commission a project for the reconversion of the land of the Nissan...


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