Fine For Bicycles And Scooters That Do Not Circulate With Light At Night


In a continuous boom in sustainable mobility and Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP), bicycles and scooters have become a major player in the traffic of large cities. For this reason, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) constantly updates its regulations to order the movements of these devices, while remembering the most basic driving rules , where the use of lights is established to avoid traffic accidents.

The winter time change has meant that starting at 6 in the afternoon it is essential to turn on the lights at home, on the sidewalks the streetlights are turned on or the cars have to activate their lighting while driving. A logical task that must also be carried out on bicycles and scooters, as regards the safety of these as well as other vehicles and pedestrians.

This is how the DGT and its agents remember it through the different platforms, even more so with the growing demand for these vehicles and their accumulation in large cities. In addition, with different lights depending on the vehicle, it is also advisable to wear a reflective vest or clothing.

These are the mandatory lights on a bike
And it is that in a bicycle, in addition to the retro-reflectors that are installed in every cycle both in its front part and in the pedals, it is also necessary to include two position lights. One in the front, white, and one in the rear, red , the latter can be flashing as long as it does not disturb other vehicles. A concept that the DGT has been clarifying in recent years, since at first they were considered illegal against the position of the institutions in favor of the bicycle.

This is the fine for not wearing lights on a bicycle
For its part, not wearing these four devices, the retro-reflectors of the pedals and the rear as well as the lights, with a greater incidence in these, is considered a ” serious ” offense . Penalized, therefore, with 80 euros , Traffic thus wants to raise awareness of its use to avoid fatal accidents with cycle users, which are increasing year after year.

Regarding the non-use of a vest or reflective garment on board a bicycle, this situation is not sanctioned, although it is recommended. Primarily because it helps the driver’s visibility, he is only obliged on interurban roads with fines of up to 200 euros for not carrying it.

This is how the lighting regulations affect scooters
Finally, on electric scooters, increasingly in demand in cities, the penalties for lights affect the same way as on bicycles . However, it should be noted that the vast majority of these devices already include this automatic lighting so it will not be necessary to place it manually as in bicycles.

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