10 Web Development Trends in 2022


Website development company has come a long way in the last decade. At one point, you’d need to use flash or java applets just to view your website on mobile devices, which meant that you couldn’t take advantage of mobile-specific technologies like touchscreens or accelerometers in your design. Today, however, any website can be viewed on any device, making it possible to create more interactive and user-friendly websites that are accessible to the widest possible audience. This trend will only continue to grow in the next decade as even more people begin using tablets and smartphones as their primary access devices to the web.

1. Web 2.0

A web development company may want to position themselves as a web 2.0 company to be on-trend for about 10 years from now. This will give them a marketing edge, and it will make them sound more innovative than their competitors. Keeping up with trends is important for companies to stay relevant and competitive (and profitable). A web development company can use these trends as a guide when looking at which technologies they should include in their services offerings—and which ones they should avoid.

2. Responsive Design

One of today’s most common trends, responsive design adapts to a user’s viewing environment—whether it be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. It also makes your website mobile-friendly, which is imperative as more and more users conduct research and make purchases using their phones. Some have even suggested that responsive design is one of 2016’s biggest Web Design trends.

3. Mobile First Web Development company

It’s no secret that mobile is taking over. Smartphones are getting bigger and faster and tablets are becoming more widespread, which means it’s crucial for web developers to think about making sure their clients have a stellar experience on all devices—not just desktops.

4. PWA – Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps or PWA’s are web applications which are similar to native mobile apps. These Progressive Web Apps can be installed on a mobile device just like any other app. PWA’s were first introduced by Google and they offer some unique features such as: enhanced security, offline support, splash screen and others.

5. Single Page Applications (SPA)

Single-page applications (SPAs) are fast gaining popularity with web developers. The applications allow for a seamless user experience and are especially useful for creating SaaS products. Popular frameworks such as AngularJS, React, and Vue are quickly transforming how developers build web apps. These technologies will continue to grow in popularity over time. In fact, Google will give preference to SPA websites on its search engine by ranking them higher than normal websites

6. Chat Bots

Voice-based interfaces, such as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, have received a lot of attention lately. It is predicted that AI-based voice control will be a $37 billion market by 2023. Chat bots are one aspect of conversational interfaces that make using apps feel more like chatting with your friends or family than interacting with software. Many analysts predict chat bots will become standard parts of websites and mobile apps over time. How might you integrate chat bot technology into your development plans?

7. Security Best Practices on the Web

Security is a major part of web development and always has been. In recent years, however, companies have started to take security more seriously as hacker attacks become more common and even more sophisticated. As these best practices are further developed, they will continue to push web development forward. This trend will also influence how we build websites—to find out how, read on.

8. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Impact on E-Commerce

In just over a decade, cryptocurrency has risen from obscurity to its current status as one of the most important trends in web development. A slew of new blockchain projects is being launched every day, and online shoppers are seeing more pop-ups asking them if they’d like to use cryptocurrency than ever before. In fact, it’s likely that e-commerce sites will begin accepting cryptocurrency payments as standard by 2022.

9. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for E-Commerce

Web development companies are becoming experts at deploying augmented reality and virtual reality technologies. These innovative, immersive devices will be key in enabling customers to examine products like never before, allowing them to see if it fits with their home decor or if that new laptop will fit comfortably on their lap. Through such a high level of personalization and customization, shoppers will be able to narrow down their choices more efficiently than ever before and make smarter purchasing decisions.

10. Artificial Intelligence for Personalization on eCommerce Websites

Artificial intelligence is quickly making its way into personalization on eCommerce websites. Not only are AI solutions helping users complete their shopping carts, but they’re also capable of creating personalized product recommendations based on previous search history and browsing habits. Add artificial intelligence to your toolbox as soon as possible, so you can stay ahead of tomorrow’s trends in web development.

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