The Dividend Of The Electricity Companies Is Untouchable With A Profitability Of 6.5%


The most attractive sector dividend on the Spanish stock market has always been that of electricity companies and it continues to be, despite the fact that they go through delicate moments as a result of the unprecedented rise in the price of energy and the threat of measures adopted by government. Check here the calendar of upcoming dividends for the Spanish stock market

The utilities Spanish have a roadmap white writing on black in specifying its target shareholder remuneration. And it is difficult for them to get out of that path, except that the impact of the government decree was much higher than that stipulated at first -2,600 million on the income from October to March 2022- and that now they negotiate much more decaffeinated.

On average, the five electricity companies listed on the Ibex will achieve an average return for their remuneration of 6.5% this year . Enagás is the second most attractive company in the entire Spanish stock market with its payment scheduled for 2021 and a return of 8.7%, only surpassed by Atresmedia, for whom the market estimates that it will pay back after a year with the dividend canceled. The gas company will pay an annual payment of 1.7 euros this year, 1.2% higher than the 1.68 in 2020, and which will be 1.74 euros in 2023, following the strategic plan presented by the firm for the period 2020-2026. From 2023 onwards, it has set an annual subscription of 1.74 euros. The first payment charged to this year is expected on December 15, for 0.68 euros.

Endesa is the second utility with the most profitable payment on the national scene. The consensus foresees a payment of 1.3 euros gross this year, which rents 6.7% and that it will remain above that amount for the next two years, in the heat of a stable profit. Its commitment to shareholders, for the period 2021-2023, is that the payout stands at 80% of profit in 2021 and falls to 70% in the next two years. Looking ahead to this year, analysts forecast net profits of 1,583 million euros, 13.6% higher than in 2020 and that will be 1,559 million in 2022. In view of the planned calendar, it is estimated that the first payment will be charged to the accounts for this year are produced on January 3, of 0.7 euros gross per title.

Red Eléctrica has also put on paper what your payment will be for the coming years. From 2020 to 2022 it will distribute 1 gross euro per title and year, which rents, at current prices, 5.7%; and from 2023 to 2025 it will reduce it to 0.8 euros, lowering its return to 4.5%. Your next payment is expected on January 10, amounting to 0.2727 euros.

In the case of Naturgy, the floor that the company has set for its payments with a charge already from this year and until 2025 is 1.20 gross euros per share. In addition, the gas company will reduce the profit to be distributed among its shareholders from an average payout of 120% previously, to 85% from 2021 on average. This strategy will be reviewed in 2023, the company announced. In any case, after the resolution of the takeover bid launched by IFM on 22.69% of the capital – although, finally, it kept 10.83% -, Naturgy will maintain its payment despite the reluctance they have shown since the Australian background.

In the case of Iberdrola, the profitability of its dividend forecast for 2021 reaches 4.4%. The electricity company has committed to a payout of 65% to 75% and a floor for its payments of 0.40 euros per year, until 2025. However, the consensus believes that it will distribute more. Specifically, this year 0.44 euros are expected, the same as in 2022 and that this will rise to 0.46 in 2023. Your payment in scrip is fully amortized through the repurchase of shares.

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